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External module result

Result is the type used for returning and propagating errors. It is a structure with the variants, Ok, representing success and containing a value, and Err, representing error and containing an error value. Functions return Result whenever errors are expected and recoverable.

A simple function returning Result might be defined and used like so:

enum Version { Version1, Version2 }

function parseVersion(header: [number]): Result<Version, string> {
  switch (header[0]) {
    case undefined:
      return Err('invalid header length');
    case 1:
      return Ok(Version.Version1);
    case 2:
      return Ok(Version.Version2);
      return Err('invalid version');

let version = parseVersion([1, 2, 3, 4]);
  Ok: v => console.log(`working with version: ${v}`),
  Err: e => console.log(`error parsing header: ${e}`),

Pattern matching on Results is clear and straightforward for simple cases, but Result comes with some convenience methods that make working with it more succinct.

const goodResult: Result<number, number> = Ok(10);
const badResult: Result<number, number> = Err(10);

// The `isOk` and `isErr` methods do what they say.
assert(goodResult.isOk && !goodResult.isErr);
assert(badResult.isErr && !badResult.isOk);

// `map` consumes the `Result` and produces another.
const goodResult2: Result<number, number> = goodResult.map(i => i + 1);
const badResult2: Result<number, number> = badResult.map(i => i - 1);

// Use `andThen` to continue the computation.
const goodResult3: Result<boolean, number> = goodResult2.andThen(i => Ok(i === 11));

// Use `orElse` to handle the error.
const badResult3: Result<number, number> = badResult2.orElse(i => Ok(i + 20));

// Consume the result and return the contents with `unwrap`.
const finalAwesomeResult = goodResult3.unwrap();



Type aliases


Type aliases


ResultMatcher: object

Object contains pattern matching functions for an Result.

This object should be sent as argument to the Result.match method.

Type declaration

  • Err: function
      • (err: E): U
      • Parameters

        • err: E

        Returns U

  • Ok: function
      • (value: T): U
      • Parameters

        • value: T

        Returns U



  • Err<E>(error: E): Result<any, E>
  • Creates a Result containing error value.

    Note: If you want strong typing define the Result type for variable the Result will be assigned, otherwise it will be Result<any, T>;


    const x: Result<number, string> = Err('something went wrong');
    assert(x instanceof Result);
    assert.equal(x.unwrapErr(), 'something went wrong');

    Type parameters

    • E


    • error: E

    Returns Result<any, E>


  • Ok<T>(value: T): Result<T, any>
  • Creates a Result containing success value.

    Note: If you want strong typing define the Result type for variable the Result will be assigned, otherwise it will be Result<T, any>;


    const x: Result<number, string> = Ok(10);
    assert(x instanceof Result);
    assert.equal(x.unwrap(), 10);

    Type parameters

    • T


    • value: T

    Returns Result<T, any>

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